One time purchase (perpetual license) ranging between $15 and $20 Enabled map drawing above 75 degrees latitude. 2 out of 2 people found this helpful. I will have a play about with Garmin Basecamp, methinks. - The Travelbugs in a geocache in the log window were often not loaded Added specific avoidances for various road classes, removed the road selection slider.
Torrent version key 1RP-8HP-4B2-2TS PES-3O6-SBE-XY8 T6P-R8I-WC1-736 3UQ-VEQ-3R5-ES1 TKU-CHP-MC7-HCT
Added ability to import TCX files. {{/each}} It contains extensive data manipulation abilities making it a convenient for server-side processing or as the backend for other tools. Added ability to export TCX, CSV and tabbed text files. Always check the Oregon before flying out of the house to make sure the PQ is showing correctly. Once in a blue moon I have to delete the file from the Oregon and copy it back to get it to load properly. By Mien Software Improved Main Menu setup and added option to add and remove items Added the ability to read the geocache visit status from supported GPSs.